The Hues

She encompassed the beauty
Of countless stars lighting up the sky
Waves and valleys stretched to infinite
Of beasts roaming around in the wild

Then came the children of Adam and Eve
Powered by knowledge and blinded by greed
Destroying and defiling what she offered
Exploiting the paradise in reverence of their needs

What’s left of her today
Are some shades of brown and grey
And a shimmer of hope
To restore her to the hues
Of greens and blues.


  1. SelmaMartin says:

    That there exists a shimmer of hope is wonderful. Because that is what will get us far. Let’s never lose that. Let’s, please.
    Loved your poem. Especially the line about hope to restore the green and blues.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. darkink says:

      Thanks for giving your feedback😊! You are absolutely correct- never lose hope!!

      Liked by 1 person

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